The New Adult Learning Institute (NALI)
Intentional Self Development is Transformative.
The NAL Institute offers transformative learning programs that nurture personal growth through creative, mindful, and embodied processes.
Drawing from both ancient wisdom and contemporary practices, we integrate insights from the fields of Art, Science, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Education, Health, and Spiritual Well-being.
Through unique learning processes, our programs guide learners in transforming their thinking, emotions, and will, sparking enthusiasm and igniting a passion for self-discovery and continuous growth.
NALI is dedicated to promoting human flourishing through education, art, health, and social initiatives.
NALI Teacher Foundation Year: GROUNDED IN PRACTICE
An experiential foundation year, classroom-centered, rooted in the generative principles of Waldorf Education.
Our program focuses on Waldorf Education’s generative principles as it applies to any classroom. It includes an experiential approach, a focus on the practical aspects of teaching that participants can immediately apply to their work in the classroom at any grade level.
Exploring the principles of imaginative pedagogy and Rudolf Steiner’s profound insights into the biopsychosocial-spiritual aspects of human development forms the foundation for a truly healing approach to education. In this world teachers require practical, holistic methods to support both their students’ well-being and learning.
Recognizing the unique challenges teachers face, this program is designed to support participants, on this meaningful journey.
Sarah Nelson has been a Waldorf educator and advocate for over 27 years, serving as a class teacher, early childhood educator, pedagogical administrator, mentor, and leader within the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA). She holds a Master’s in Education from Antioch New England, a Waldorf Teaching Certificate, and a Bachelor’s in Adolescent and Child Psychology from UMass. Sarah works with various Waldorf schools while splitting her time between British Columbia and Maui, HI.
Rubeena Sandhu has been a Waldorf educator and principal for over 25 years. She has served on the Leadership Council of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) since 2018, and is currently the Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada. With a Masters of Education in School Counselling, a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts and a Waldorf Teaching Certificate she supports students, teachers administrators and parents to learn, develop, connect and heal.
How Waldorf learning processes are structured
Activating imagination in oneself and with students
Storytelling as implicit learning
Embodying learning: teaching must be artistic
Phenomenological approaches to teaching
Direct experience as a basis for good learning
Inquiry based Planning & Assessment
In Person One Week Intensive:
August 18th - 24th or if you are a school, in your local area at a different time of year, upon your request.Theory
Biopsychosocial-spiritual dimensions of human nature & why Waldorf Schools integrate a holistic view as an integral aspect of a modern, healing education (The Why)
Imaginative Pedagogy and its’ methods (The How)
Generative Principles:
Child Development, timing is everything
Learning is rhythmical
Learning processes are structured over time
Block teaching strengthens learning
Teacher Preparation/Economy of Teaching; how can we utilize somatic, emotional, contemplative practices to mitigate burnout?
Planning and Implementation (The What)
Activating imagination: Storytelling (structure, create)
Teaching as an art
Imaginative thinking
Phenomenological approach
Direct experience is the basis for good learning
Supporting the development of the senses in your students
Nurturing the self-activity of your students
Theory: Rudolf Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom & his Theory of Knowledge, why it matters
Sense of Coherence as a necessity for learning and being
Classroom Behaviour Guidance
Developmental Strategies
Diverse Learners
Differentiated Learning
Universal & Essential Supports
Waldorf School Governance a basis for collaborative educating
Connecting with Parents, reports, meetings, and collaboration
The cultural life of the school and why it matters to your students and to you
Celebrating nature and ancient wisdom
May (Bonus - Not Confirmed)
Communication / Conflict Resolution
Restorative Justice
Kim John Payne’s Integrative Education
Please note, this list is in draft form, and may be updated at any time
One week in person Intensive: $1300
Bi weekly Virtual Modules: Sept - April: $1900
This program fulfills 100 hours of Foundation Study.
Credit transfer for supplementary hours requires approval by training institutes.
Prices are in U.S for U.S intensive locations, and in CAD for Canadian intensive locations.
Arscura Living Art Program
Explore the World of Colour Retreat
The Art for Life program is for anyone seeking creative expression in their lives. The focus is on the development of art skills and their application to growth and transformation.
$600 (5 days) @ Havenwood
During the colour week retreat, live into the world of colour through water colour painting and egg tempera while learning about the seven soul types as awakeners of consciousness. All levels of artistic experience are most welcome.
Familiarity or openness to contemplative practice is recommended.
Arscura Art as Life
Biography, Life as Art - Three year part-time program
Module One $400 (4 days) @ Havenwood
Full Program: $1000 per year
In biography studies, students learn through personal journeying. Life patterns, cycles, crisis points, and identifying one's purpose in life (destiny) are studied. In this program art is used as a vehicle for process, not as a discipline to be developed.
Although there is no time limit, all nine modules offered need to be completed to lead to the Diploma Life as Art - Biography Practitioner. The program can be entered at the beginning of each module. Nine sessions over three years:
Three summer intensives of one week each
Two On-line terms with monthly virtual sessions from fall through spring.
MODULE ONE: Explore Life Cycles, $400 for 4 days
An introduction to biography studies, through a unique process of self reflection, group work and studio exercies. We will create a final beautiful watercolour of YOUR life.
Familiarity or openness to contemplative practice or anthroposophy is recommended.
Biography - Life as Art -- Course Outline
Year One
The seven-year cycles as described by Rudolf Steiner. Introduction toPLANETARY QUALITIES
The seven planetary qualities in their relationship to life cyclesEVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSSNESS. The journey of reviewing, letting go, and beginning again before, during & after life.
Year Two
A deeper look at masculine and feminine qualities in everyone's life. Working towards an inner unity.OVERCOMING POLARITY
Qualities of form and dissolution in life patterns. Observing our own tendencies to polarize and learning to find balance.TIME AS A PHENOMENON IN BIOGRAPHY
Growing, developing and ripening are the result of four etheric forces. This theme and charting the biography of another are part of this term's work.
Year Three
Charting an historical celebrity for presentation. Awakening 12 spiritual capacities in life and learning to stand in the middle of life's dynamics with a balanced overview.CRISIS IN BIOGRAPHY
By revisiting past turning points we learn creative responses for the future and to meet challenging life situations.PRACTICAL APPLICATION
Facilitating a group and weekly tutorial. Self & peer assessment and presentation from practice. Helping each other to look toward future steps.
Each Year: if paid in advance $ 1,000 plus materials.
Each Module: $400, if taken separately, plus materials.
Credit: Arscura completion diploma. This program will run for one year before applying for accreditation by the International Trainers Forum for Biography Work (ITF).