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Arscura Biography Training Program

  • Havenwood Palomino Place BC, V9L 6H4 Canada (map)

Through 9 modules in biography studies, students learn through personal journeying. Life patterns, cycles, crisis points, and identifying one's purpose in life (destiny) are studied. In this program art is used as a vehicle for process, not as a discipline to be developed.

MODULE ONE: Explore Life Cycles, $400 for 4 days

Through a unique process of self reflection, group work and studio exercies, paint a beautiful watercolour of YOUR life.

ENTIRE PROGRAM: over three years: $1000 / year

  • Three summer intensives of one week each

  • Two On-line terms with monthly virtual sessions from fall through spring.

  • Enrol in the first module and then enrol into the program!

August 4

Arscura Explore the World of Colour Retreat

August 17

NALI Grounded in Pedagogy Program