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NALI Grounded in Pedagogy Program

  • Havenwood Palomino Place BC, V9L 6H4 Canada (map)

An experiential foundation year, classroom-centered, rooted in the generative principles of Waldorf Education. The modern world needs a healing pedagogy that can be put into practice now.

  • August 18th - 24th, Cowichan Valley, BC. (Intensives available at your location upon request)

    Immersive, week long retreat including nature connection, practical application of imaginative and artistic pedagogy, contemplative practices for the educator, and Waldorf principles that are applicable in all classroom settings.


    • Biopsychosocial-spiritual dimensions of human nature & why Waldorf Schools integrate a holistic view as an integral aspect of a modern, healing education (The Why)

    • Imaginative Pedagogy and its’ methods (The How)

    Generative Principles: 

    • Child Development, timing is everything

    • Learning is rhythmical

    • Learning processes are structured over time

    • Block teaching strengthens learning

    • Teacher Preparation/Economy of Teaching; how can we utilize somatic, emotional, contemplative practices to mitigate burnout?

    • Planning and Implementation (The What)

  • Themes & Modules

    • How Waldorf learning processes are structured

    • Activating imagination in oneself and with students

    • Storytelling as implicit learning

    • Embodying learning: teaching must be artistic

    • Phenomenological approaches to teaching

    • Direct experience as a basis for good learning

    • Inquiry based Planning & Assessment

  • One week in person Intensive: $1700

    Bi weekly Virtual Modules: Sept - April, $2800

    This program fulfills 100 hours of Foundation Study.

    Credit transfer for supplementary hours requires approval by training institutes.

Sarah Nelson

Sarah has been a Waldorf educator and advocate for over 27 years, serving as a class teacher, early childhood educator, pedagogical administrator, mentor, and leader within the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA). She holds a Master’s in Education from Antioch New England, a Waldorf Teaching Certificate, and a Bachelor’s in Adolescent and Child Psychology from UMass. Sarah works with various Waldorf schools while splitting her time between British Columbia and Maui, HI.

Rubeena Sandhu

Rubeena has over 20 years of experience as a Waldorf educator, administrator, mentor and adult educator. She serves on the Leadership Council of the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) and as the Secretary of the Anthroposophical Society in Canada.

With a Masters of Education in School Counselling, a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts and a Waldorf Teaching Certificate she serves the students, teachers and parents as a mentor, counsellor and adult educator.

August 9

Arscura Biography Training Program